- 1人~2人
- 15分~20分
- 8歳~
- 2020年~
Game Market 2020 Autumn is approaching!
So, I would like to inform you that we are now accepting reservations for special bundles for TGM attendees on Saturday, November 14th.
Included in Special Bundle: *
"Okazaki" 1st copy
"Okazaki" Optional parts set 1 part
"Reach" Part 1
"Reach" table mode expansion pack 1 copy
Customize box 1 copy **
In addition, this time we will give you a custom box to store all the "Reach" and "Okazaki" pieces. The box is a limited edition promotional item for Game Market 2020 Fall.
Please make a reservation as the number is limited.
Advance reservations will be accepted until 23:59 on November 13th.
Please pick up the item at the Engro Games booth (Shi 15) by 14:00.
(If it is difficult due to admission time etc., please contact us by message at the time of booking etc.)
The bundle fee during the event is 4500 yen, but if you make a reservation in advance, it will be 4000 yen.
-The "Okazaki" optional parts set includes one DNA-shaped leading player marker and one "Okazaki" custom bag.
-All "Reach" Corps include 1 "Reach" custom bag, 2 badge reels and 2 ID card holders.
-The "Reach" table mode expansion pack includes 1 playmat, 2 astronaut-shaped meeples, and 1 custom disc.
Number of players: 1-2 people
Play time: 20 minutes
Age: 10 years old ~
Game overview
Okazaki is a trick-taking game for one or two players who compete by replicating DNA sequences. To win the game, players need to manage their hands, utilize cards, and activate abilities.
Number of players: 2
Target age: 8 years old and over
Play time: 20 minutes
The purpose of the game
Reach is a two-player game. An asteroid collided with a spacecraft while an engineer was repairing the outside. The engineer's lifeline was broken and he was thrown into the vast universe. The remaining oxygen is also leaking rapidly, so there is little time to rescue the engineer. While the commander makes a bold attempt, the engineer will not be easy to rescue without using the tools at hand.
This game attempts to realistically reproduce a weightless space rescue mission. Therefore, we need an obstacle-free play area (space) where two players can be separated by about 10 steps. Be sure to check that the environment allows you to move and rotate safely back and forth and left and right.
If you're looking for a more traditional board game experience, the Table Mode Expansion Pack makes this possible.
* A printed Japanese rulebook is attached to every copy of the game.
** As long as it is in stock.
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