- 2人~4人
- 90分~120分
- 12歳~
- 2014年~
- Sandra gives points by the usual rule condition. But now, the number of points is equal to the number of shifts you have in the shift track over 5.
- She only gives points to the first player in the training track. In case of a tie, Players at the top of the stack are considered in front.
Why this variant?
When I designed nice Sandra in Kanban it was suppose to be a introduction mode to new players before they switch to 'Mean' mode game play. This mode of play, let players to focus more on training and slowly learn all the rules on the factory.
But to my surprise many players prefer to play in this mode even after they know how to play. So this system is no more just an introdutory mode of play as intended, but it becomes one way of play to many players.
But playing this mode with new players vs experienced players, can give huge advantage to the latest, simple because knowing how Sandra works, without having any player who knows how to oppose to it, it can lead to an easy vitory.
So, I designed this simple variant to adjust that Sandra advantage.
It has only the two small rules above and it will be part of the next reprint of the game.
Hope you enjoy.
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